Inspired by theHypnosis, THEZen and the Yoga, THEProfessor Alfonso Caycédo, (1932-2017), doctor of medicine and surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of Madrid, specialist in neuropsychiatry, founded in 1960 the first department of clinical sophrology, within the neuropsychiatry department of theProfessor Ibor, at the Madrid hospital.
From its creation to the present day, sophrology has continued to evolve, benefiting from more than 40 years of experience in practice and discoveries in neuroscience.
Definition of sophrology
“Sophrology” is a neologism created by the Spanish neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo, to designate a scientific school designed for the study of consciousness and the values of existence, using original and recognized techniques.
3 Greek roots:
SOS = balance, harmony PHREN = study, consciousness LOGIE = study
A sophrology session takes place inthree times. It begins witha short dialogue, which quickly gives way to practice.
The pre-sophronic dialogue: time to discuss progress since the previous session.The sophrologist takes the opportunity to explain the progress of the day's session (its objectives, benefits and its protocol).
The practice : listening to the body and visualization exercises in static or dynamic techniques.
The post-sophronic dialogue: moment when the practitioner expresses himself about the experience of the exercise (feelings, sensations, objects of visualization).