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Louise HADDAD, Sophrologie, Relaxation et Hypnose  -Enfants, Adolescents, Adultes, Futures Mamans… -Phobies, Tabac, Gestion du Poids,  94320 Thiais

Who am I ?

Louise Haddad Sophrologist-Relaxologist, Master Specialist in Caycedian Sophrology Graduate of the School of Sophrology of Paris 5th
Louise HADDAD, Sophrologist, Relaxologist, Hypnosis Practitioner

Smoking cessation - Weight management

blue cave fish in Corfu


Master Specialist in Caycedian Sophrology
Graduated from the Paris 5th School of Sophrology

Practitioner in Humanist and Ericksonian Hypnosis trained at the school of Jean-Marie Caplain

SPECIALIZED IN TOBACCO CESSATIONby the Institute ofHypnosis by Michel Martin

Graduated from the School of Playful Sophrology of Ricardo Lopez and Claudia Sanchez

Sophrologist in theBossa Nova Academy of Thiais

Sophrologist from all over the worldPetite E staffnfance of Chevilly -Larue

​Retired School Teacher of National Education

English teacher

Director of Communications of the Jazzonotes Association

​Show Organizer, fromBossa Nova Festival, the Rendez-Vous Terrasses Festival, Concerts at the Café Théâtre de Thiais

Manager of the Bossa Nova Festival of the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16theditions

Manager of JAZZONOTES Meetings

Municipal councilor of thetown of Thiais

Trainer in companies withATK Tips

Director and presenter of the show “Mon Thé avec Lou” on JewsSalsa TV.

Author of the book “ENTER EN CREATHERAPIE” September 2021 published by LTA.

Louise HADDAD, Sophrology, Relaxation and Hypnosis - Children, Adolescents, Adults, Future Mothers... - Phobias, Tobacco, Weight Management, 94320 Thiais

Contact me.

Well-being Sophro


Sophrologist Relaxologist, Hypnosis Practitioner

Master Specialist in Caycedian Sophrology

7 Allée Clément Bayard, 94320 THIAIS 

Tel: +33 6 60 14 28 02

WhatsApp: +33 6 60 14 28 02

BIEN ETRE SOPHRO Louise HADDAD, Sophrologie, Relaxation et Hypnose  -Enfants, Adolescents, Adultes, Futures Mamans… -Phobies, Tabac, Gestion du Poids,  94320 Thiais
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Louise HADDAD, Sophrologist, Relaxologist, Hypnosis Practitioner, Master Specialist in Caycedian Sophrology for more than 10 years consults at her office located in Thiais near the Thiais Village TVM stop, and is easily accessible from Paris with the RER c, T7 or T9, Creteil, Maisons Alfort, Alforville, Choisy le Roi, Villejuif, Chevilly Larue  Fresnes, Antony, Wissous, Orly, Rungis, Villeneuve le Roi… The town of THIAIS, postal code 94320, belongs in the Val-de-Marne department and the Île-de-France region. In 2020, the town of THIAIS had 30,788 inhabitants.

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